I stepped on the scale this morning and saw that I have
gained 4 pounds. Before I stepped on the
scale I was feeling pretty good. After I
stepped on the scale I felt defeated. For
me, the chain of events that happen after a bump in weight goes as follow:
- I am a whale
- I am PMSing….totally water weight
- I have been doing a ton of strength training….4 pounds of pure muscle, bitches
- Get the eating under control. You know you have been eating BREAD and sneaking chocolate (see PMSing above)
- I need to skip breakfast and run to the nearest spin class
- WTF are you doing?!
Sound familiar? I
know enough to know weight fluctuations happen normally and the number on the
scale is one of the worst measures of health.
Does that stop me….hell no. I am
a woman. It is my right to be
This morning’s process got me thinking about numbers. I read a fantastic article (http://www.curvygirlguide.com/self-body/self/women-getting-real-about-weight/)
about what weight looks like on different women/body types. Scroll through….some really great
perspective. So, in the spirit of full
disclosure here are my numbers (because we are all in this together, right).
Weight: 178-174 pounds (238 lbs at my highest)
Height: 5’10”
Size: 10
There it is, there you have it. Those are my numbers. I refuse to let these numbers define me. Moving forward my goal is to focus on the
numbers that really matter.
How many times did I kiss my daughter today?
How many times have I told my husband and family how much I
love them and truly appreciate them?
How many times I have hugged a friend when she really needed
How many times I can say that my body can do something that
it previously couldn’t (I am looking at you, pull-up!)?
These are the things that really matter in life.
Be happy and healthy, my friends.