Sunday, May 20, 2012

Take my hand and step away from the treadmill

Ok ladies, repeat after me “I am not a hamster”.  Your human body was built for far more than eating lettuce leaves and running on an endless wheel.  Before embarking on this fitness education quest I was also on the starvation/endless cardio loop.  A “successful” day for me was eating next to nothing and spending half the day on the elliptical…so wrong and it made me feel like absolute shit.

I had a big Oprah “Aha Moment” when I started learning about strength training, specifically the effect that muscle has on your metabolism.  Simply put, the more muscle you have the more calories your body requires to sit on the couch watching reality TV.  If spending countless hours climbing imaginary stairs makes your skin crawl there is another way.

I know right now you are saying “I don’t want to be a muscle bound she-man”.  I totally get it!  I have firsthand experience watching a female body builder try to build and maintain “bulk”.  Trust me; it isn’t something that happens without an incredibly rigid diet and insanely intense lifting.  You can thank estrogen.

There are millions of different forms of “strength training”.  Most strength training exercises can be done outside of the testosterone haze of the gym weight room using basic equipment (i.e. suspension trainers, BOSUs, medicine balls, bands and dumb bells).  It really isn’t scary…promise.

Building muscle requires more than strength training.  It also requires that you eat, namely protein.  If your body senses that there may be a shortage of food your muscles are the first thing it will dump.  Precious fat will be stored to prepare for the certain famine (damn that “self preservation”).  Having said that, I am not telling you to run for the carton of ice cream (dairy is totally a protein source….right?!).  Be smart about your food choices.  Simple and clean…fruits, veggies, nuts and lean proteins.  

I know this seems like a lot to absorb, but it is just a different approach to looking hot in your skinny jeans.  As always, I am here to help you along the way.  I double-pinkey promise that you will not turn into the Incredible Hulk! 

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